
The most popular Fruit Cake in the world comes from the Collin Street Bakery. It is their "Original Deluxe" and has been enjoyed year after year by celebrities as well as common folk like you and me. This delicious Fruit Cake was even taken into outerspace, and eaten by the Apollo Astronauts.

This tastey cake was first created in 1896 when German master chef, August Weidmann, and immigrant Texan, Tom McElwee improved an old German Fruit Cake recipe by adding native Texas hardshell pecans. Still today, over a hundred Christmases later, orders still pour in from all around the world, for Weidmann's Collin Street Bakery Original Deluxe Fruit Cake. The bakery produces approximately four million pounds of Fruit Cake per year, to fill over 1.5 million orders for the holiday season.


This page was created on January 9, 1998 and last updated on April 21, 1998.
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